Pandemic Pay: Questions and Answers

On Saturday, April 25th the Ontario Government announced its intention to issue Pandemic Pay in the period from April 24th to August 12th for some workers in some workplaces.

Literally from the time of the announcement there have been many questions about Pandemic Pay.

CUPE Ontario has prepared a brief Q&A, available by clicking here, that addresses these issues based on what we know as of May 7, 2020.

CUPE Ontario continues to lobby the government with formal, detailed proposals to expand the list of eligible workplaces and eligible workers, to widen the applicability of pandemic pay to pensions, overtime and sick time and, most important, to make pandemic pay permanent and ongoing.

We will do our best to keep CUPE Locals and members updated about these important issues.

In the meantime, we have an e-action so that members can be part of that important lobby to apply pressure to government, available by clicking here.

In solidarity,