Election Part 1 – Memo

Hello everyone:

Nominations for the position of President, First Vice-President, Recording Secretary, Secretary Treasurer and Trustees have closed. Eligible members who have accepted their nominations are:

President: (in alphabetical order)

  • Lise Morrissette
  • Lindsy Sauve
  • David Tremblay

First Vice-President:

  • Dave Stamplecoski (Acclaimed)

Recording Secretary:

  • Jamie Nyman (Acclaimed)

Secretary Treasurer:

We did not receive any nominations for the position of Secretary Treasurer. We will reopen nominations on July 17, 2020.


We did not receive any nominations for the three (3) Trustees positions. We will re-open nominations on

July 17, 2020.

Having said that, we will hold elections for the position of President. You will find attached a brief summary of each candidate.

Election timelines:

  • Tuesday July 14: Electronic / Call in vote begins at 06h00.
  • Thursday July 16: Polls close at 18h00
  • Thursday July 16: Election results announced

If you need technical assistance, please send an email to election@local1623.ca or call
our office at 705-674-7557.

In Solidarity,

Martin Coursol

Administrator L1623

***For any information, updates or ways to contact CUPE Local 1623, please use one of the following official communication resources: your local website (www.local1623.ca), your local emails (admin@local1623.ca & election@local1623.ca), and consult your union bulletin boards at the workplace.

Read the Memo Election Part 1 (PDF)

Brief summary of each candidate:

Lise Morrissette (PDF)

Lindsy Sauve (PDF)

David Tremblay (PDF)