Notice of Elections Part 3

CUPE Local 1623

Notice of Elections

Positions up for Election

  • Trustees (2)
  • Service Sectional Vice President (1) (L1623-00)
  • Clerical Sectional Vice President (1) (L1623-01)
  • Sectional Vice President / Chief Steward (1) (L1623-03)

The elections will exceptionally have the following timelines:

  • Notice of Election will be sent on Monday, August 17, 2020, and nominations shall be received by Monday, August 24, 2020, 18h00. Nominations and acceptance of nominations in writing can only be accepted from the Election Committee. A scanned copy or picture via e-mail with both the candidate and nominators signatures are acceptable. Nominations must be emailed to .   Nominations must be received no later than Monday, August 24, 2020, 18h00.
    1. Nominations will include:
      1. Name of Candidate
      2. Position being sought
      3. Statement from the Candidate accepting the nomination
      4. Name of Nominator
      5. Resume (each candidate can provide the Election Committee with a one page resume)


  • To be eligible for election to an Officer or Trustee position, on the date of being nominated, a member must be a member in good standing.
  • A member may accept nomination for one office
  • In the event that there is only one (1) nominee for any position, the election committee shall declare that nominee elected by acclamation.
  • When two or more nominees are to be elected to any office by electronic vote, each member voting shall be required to vote for the full number of candidates otherwise the electronic vote will be declared spoiled.
  • The Election Committee shall declare the elected candidate(s) in each contest who receive the greatest number of unspoiled electronic votes (plurality/first past the post).
  • In case of a tie vote, there shall be a second electronic vote run-off amongst the tied candidates within fourteen (14) days.
  • The Trustee receiving the largest number of votes shall be elected for two [2] years and the Trustee receiving the second [2] largest number of votes shall be elected for one [1] year. Subsequently, one Trustee shall retire each year as the term for which such Trustee was elected expires.
  • The mandate for the Sectional Vice-Presidents shall be from the day they are elected by their respective bargaining Unit, until the next odd year 2023 and nominations will follow their course as set out in section 10.
  • The local will use Simply voting in order to complete Election Part 3. Members will be able to vote online or by phone.
  • Only the members in good standing can vote.


  • Elections will open on Monday, August 31, 2020, at 06h00 and close on Wednesday, September 2, 2020, at 18h00.


  • Resume’s of the candidates will be available on the local’s website and on the union’s bulletin boards.

If you need technical assistance, please send an email to or call
our office at 705-674-7557.

***For any information, updates or ways to contact CUPE Local 1623, please use one of the following official communication resources: your local website (, your local emails ( &, and consult your union bulletin boards at the workplace.

